Stacer - Repository Manager Screen

Hope you are enjoying 2024!
Please help me understand the attached screen. What action I should take if any?

Thank you.

I do not see any needed action displayed... Are you looking to remove or add a repository?

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What exacly to You want to do? The Options are on the Buttons. You can edit an entry, delete an Entry or add a Repository. The Repo's on the Picture seems to look like they should. If You have added the first one - this ProtonVPN Debian Repo - and the two last one's - Brightness Controller - so it is okay, too.

If you have to ask, then the likelihood is you don't know what you are looking at and deleting something is taking a big risk on breaking your operating system. Best of luck. :v:

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Thanks for your response.
I am busy walking through the systems to get a better understanding.
What is this information saying about the 45 repositories?
When is it necessary to Edit, Delete or Add a Repository?
If you saw this information in your system what action would you take?

Please advise.

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Thanks for your response. Correct I do not know what I am doing.
I am a Newbie to Linux. That is why I am asking.

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Thanks for your response.
I am busy walking through the systems to get a better understanding.
If you saw this information in your system what action would you take?

Please advise.

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There is absolutely no reason for you to do anything with the repositories. Everything that comes as "default" in Zorin OS is there for a reason. I would leave this whole thing alone, and move on with using Zorin OS normally. The only reason anyone would want to add or delete a repository is if they don't want updates or want to add a specific application that can only be downloaded from a specific repository that is not included in Zorin OS. If you do not know what you are doing, my suggestion is that you leave that list alone. Good luck.


One more thing. Stacer has been discontinued. No one develops it anymore.

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A repository is just as the name implies: A source for something being provided. GnuLinux, Unix, macand Windows all use repositories.

The information provided in your screenshot shows your sources, or repositories that provide all the packages you want to install, update or upgrade.

It can be necessary to remove repositories when a repository is failing, incompatible or just no longer needed. This is not a common thing, and when it comes down to removal of a repository, by then, you will know what you are doing.:wink:
Adding repositories is more common and something you might do if you need a specific package that is not supplied by your current repo's.
Editing a repository is a very rare thing. On occasion you might add or remove one, but many years could go by before you ever find yourself needing to edit one.

Seeing information does not necessitate taking action. Looking at your screenshot, I cannot see any action necessary.

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What You see is simply the Information what Repo's do you have. You can get this with Zorin too. When You go to Software & Updates and there in teh second Tab to Other Softwares You have an Overview too.

So this Overviwe itself is simply an Information. And the Functions are self-explaining I think. When you don't need a Repo anymore You can delete it. When You have to adjust it You can edit it and when you want to add a Repo You can add them.

Thanks for your wise response.

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Thank you for your detailed response,

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Thank you for the information.
What is the best replacement for Stacer?

Please advise.

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Do NOT use Bleachbit. I have had problems with it and Zorin OS.

For use as a PPA Manager, I use Y-PPA-Manager
It is simple and does one thing well.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager

sudo apt update && sudo apt install y-ppa-manager

For system cleaning, I use Ubuntu Cleaner for simplicity without risk.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gerardpuig/ppa

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ubuntu-cleaner

For system monitoring, Zorin OS comes with a Task Manager already installed that offers a large variety of system tools.

Thanks for your response and advice.

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Thank you for your detailed response.
I will review your recommendations.

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