I Click on Start
I Click on Accessories
I hover over calculator
I right click on calculator and the right click menu opens for about .5 seconds and vanishes.
This happens anytime I right click on anything in the start menu.
Hi Tracy
I encountered this particular issue with a few other bugs when i tested 17 on a test machine. For this reason i decided to stick with a perfectly working 16 as i wasn't prepared to waste time nutting these issues out.
Sorry i'm no help, but i can confirm there is bug here.
After the right-click, does the context menu go away if you don't move your mouse at all? That is, without any actual hovering over anything.
You may also find something if you reproduce this bug, and then launch Logs (Start -> Utilities -> Logs). Move to the "All" tab for all generated log activity, which hopefully contains something useful in there. Most recent entries appear first.