Discord resets / interferes with Brightness?
Please see this post here:
It's very easy, so if you would like to try it out, you might not have to wait (or might experience annoyance if it does not work). You can add or remove a grub parameter by adding an entry or removing an entry from the Grub File. sudo nano /etc/default/grub Arrow key down to the parameters: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" You can see two parameters already included in the quote marks: quiet and splash. Add the parameter acpi_backlight=vendor inside the quote marks: GRUB_CMDL…
I had problems with the system brightness I did something which I don't remember now to fix it but it didn't work
This is a primary issue in computing that in the Military, we would solve with standardization.
The Monitor has brightness control. The Motherboard has brightness control. The User Interface Operating System has brightness control...
It would help if only one thing controlled brightness - Do one thing and do it well.