Steam quakespasm permissions how do i get quake to run

sudo chown -R Marius:Marius
to run a command as administrator (user “root”), use “sudo commands” . see "man sudo_root for details bash:/home/marius/.bashrc: permission denied i cant upload photo copy paste from terminal open apps se

guess i have to reinstall failed to open screensht in software

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Okay reinstalling give me a guide will you

It says username should be lowercase thanks for the help but like I won’t give up my quake any more help please

Reinstalling now I will go to tty had problem reinstalling almost did buy ssd black screen configuring nvidia and error at boot in non nvidia install but now it booted installed

In tty I get missing operand after marius:marius
Missing argument -exec don’t know how to use symbol {} norweagian layout

I still can’t set permissions

Renaming file too pak lowercase worked

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I am sorry, I was called away and did not see these questions- by then you had it figured out.