Swap vs window's page file?

I am thinking of dual installing Zorin and Windows.

I have a 240GB SSD and windows on it. Also 12gb of ddr4 ram.

I set a 20gb page file in Windows settings on the SSD. That made my computer significantly more capable. I did this years ago and never looked back. I keep 200+ tabs open in chrome, Photoshop and other programs simultaneously.

I am a beginner in Linux. So I have some questions.

Can Zorin OS use the same page file the windows uses?

If not, does that mean I will need an additional 20gb swap file/partition if I want the same level of usability with Zorin OS as with the windows?

Can I install the Zorin OS on the same SSD with Windows installation without losing the windows and my files on that same ssd?

I hope someone knows the answer to these questions. Thanks!

Hello and welcome to the forum.

Windows requires NTFS file system.
Linux requires ext4.

Linux will create something called "swapfile" during the installation. The size will be automatically set. I just checked mine. It is 2,1 GB in size.

Yes, it can be done like any other Linux distros.
I have 10 years old Acer laptop (240 GB SSD) which is currently running Windows 11 (140 GB) and Zorin (100 GB) side by side.

Thank you for your replies!

I have one more question.

Not related to the topic but is there a way to run windows apps on it?

I just checked the alternatives to PS and I don't like them. Additionally, I don't like the wine and playonlinux. It seems too complex and the whole thing seems like it will be buggy.

I suppose that there is no way to run windows apps other than those but I have to ask just to check. Thanks!

If you were talking about GIMP, there is another alternative which I use. It is called Krita. You can install it in Software.

It depends on applications.
For example, MS Office can be run quite well in Wine.
Unfortunately the Japanese fonts do not look very nice on Wine - main reason I do not use it.

My solution is to create Windows virtual machine within Zorin, provided the system has a sufficient computer power. You can download VirtualBox in Software.

The reason I dual boot 10 years old Acer laptop is a lack of computer power which makes virtualization inefficient.

Thanks for letting me know!

You use Japanese fonts? In that case どうもありがとうございます!

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I am a Japanese native speaker living outside Japan - you can guess where I am from my handle :wink:

I wrote this tutorial for improving ibus-mozc input system in Gnome. You might find it useful:

If my answer solved your question, please tick :ballot_box_with_check: in your original posting. This will mark the question as solved and help the future visitors to the forum who may have a similar question.

Thanks for letting me know!

I am studying Japanese on my own for about 6 months now and being able to input ひらがな will be important.

I am still on the verge of installing the Linux. I did install Zorin OS lite on a VERY old laptop and I am amazed how fast it is.

But for my serious work I am wondering how am I going to make the switch. I love Zorin and if I decide to install it, I will pay for the pro license as well.

But I am looking for a way to be able to run Photoshop, Cad and similar instantly. Is there a way to run it as a VM that is constantly in the background and always ready to fire up?

My business laptop is quite strong in its own. I can only imagine how fast everything would work on Zorin OS.

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My VM is almost always up.
I usually turn on VM after I log in to Zorin.
I think it is also possible to add it to the Startup session.

I use VMWare not Virtualbox since VMWare works better for Windows VM (at least in my setup).

But if you have virtual machine related questions, you'd better start a new thread for that. This way, you can get more attention from other volunteers on this forum.

Welcome to the wonder of XFCE desktop. I can still use 11+ years old netbook at a reasonable speed with Zorin Lite.


Thank you! I will start a new thread! :slight_smile:

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