I'm using Zorin. Only switching to the Greek layout causes this problem. Before, it would crash and let me log in again without the Greek layout being enabled. Now I get "Oh no! Something has gone wrong." every time I log in. Switching the keyboard layout in the log in screen doesn't matter because it doesn't affect what happens past the log in screen.
I'm looking at /etc/default/keyboard currently using recovery mode. I tried changing "XKBLAYOUT=us,us,gr" to "XKBLAYOUT=us,us", but that didn't work.
I was able to connect to the internet in the recovery mode and follow these commands. It didn't change anything. I also reverted the changes I made to the keyboard file since it didn't help.
I unsuccessfully tried the following commands I found online in an attempt to remove keyboard layouts via the terminal so gnome doesn't default to it while logging in.
setxkbmap us
setxkbmap -layout "us"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources "[('xkb', 'us')]"
gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts "['us']"
I think the problem was I downloaded a custom keyboard layout from GitHub that was Dvorak but switched to qwerty when the mod keys was pressed. I can't find it again now.