Switching to Greek keyboard layout leads to crash. Can't log in anymore without crashing

I'm using Zorin. Only switching to the Greek layout causes this problem. Before, it would crash and let me log in again without the Greek layout being enabled. Now I get "Oh no! Something has gone wrong." every time I log in. Switching the keyboard layout in the log in screen doesn't matter because it doesn't affect what happens past the log in screen.

I'm looking at /etc/default/keyboard currently using recovery mode. I tried changing "XKBLAYOUT=us,us,gr" to "XKBLAYOUT=us,us", but that didn't work.

From the recovery prompt, can you try:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install ibus-m17n ibus-mozc mozc-utils-gui

im-config -n ibus

Exit from recovery menu and proceed to try to boot normally.
If you are able to boot and log in, test switching to Greek layout...

I was able to connect to the internet in the recovery mode and follow these commands. It didn't change anything. I also reverted the changes I made to the keyboard file since it didn't help.

I unsuccessfully tried the following commands I found online in an attempt to remove keyboard layouts via the terminal so gnome doesn't default to it while logging in.
setxkbmap us
setxkbmap -layout "us"
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources sources "[('xkb', 'us')]"
gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts "['us']"

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Have you tried removing the home .config directory?
Or reinstalling the desktop?

sudo apt install --reinstall zorin-os-desktop

This is turning into a stumper...

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Deleting the .config directory worked! Thanks for helping. I was recommended saving the machine state by someone else. I'll learn how to do that.

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I think the problem was I downloaded a custom keyboard layout from GitHub that was Dvorak but switched to qwerty when the mod keys was pressed. I can't find it again now.

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