Taskbar disappeared on Zorin OS

Well i searched but i could not find a solution to this problem so heres more info.
I dont know what happened but today the taskbar disapeared and the ui looks like this now.

Yesterday all was fine like this

Where do i need to search for :stuck_out_tongue: ?


If you have the Extension Manager installed, open it and look for the Zorin Extensions in the ''Installed'' List.

BTW: A nice Wallpaper.


extension manager was not installed. I just installed the os. Its brandnew.
Not sure why it suddenly dropes the bar :smiley:

What zorin extension should be installed and why its suddenly not installed?

The Extensions actually installed. You can see it on the List. that is the Reason why I wantted to see it to check if there are there or if You would have to install them again. But they are there. There are only turned off.

So, to get the normal Layout. Activate the Toggle on:

  • Zorin Desktop Icons
  • Zorin Menu
  • Zorin Taskbar
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i can toggle it but when i do it nothing happens and when i close and open the extension manager again the toggle is off again

I was installing citrix today (beside other software) it does work and even then all was fine. Just a bit later when i started again it was gone.

Hmm ... Maybe a Reinstallation could help. Open the Terminal and type:

sudo apt reinstall zorin-os-desktop zorin-appearance zorin-appearance-layouts-shell-core zorin-appearance-layouts-support

Hm i tried that but the toggles are still not staying active.

Did you activate the Usage of Extensions in the Extension Manager there is a Toggle at the Top to activate that:

i think its active but looks bit different the toggle is inside the top bar.

Is it okay that there is gnome 45 and 47 ? i didnt install them like this.

Hmm ... the Toggle is light but in an off Position. That is a bit weird. When you click on that Toggle so that the Dot in the Toggle is on the right Side does it work then? Do you have the APT-Version of Extension Manager installed or the Flatpak-Version?

In common yes. That are Runtime's for installed Flatpaks. On the One with Gnome 45 stands that it doesn't get Updates anymore what isn't good but there You can't do anything. that is a thing of the Software Developer of the individual Program that uses this.

It is the APT version.

I did as you said i toggled everything on like this...

But when i close the window and open it again...

Hmm ... maybe the APT Version has a Bug or something. Try it with uninstall the APT Version and install the Flatpak Version.

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I removed the citrix workspace for my remote work and that kinda fixed it.
There was a red marking in the extension manager and i wondered if that could be the issue and after removing the citrix it did fix the ui. (after restart)

And now the toggles are staying active. Not sure how i could use citrix now - hm i wonder to install the windows variant of it.

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