Bottom labels (black) of opened app (when still opening 1 app) covers the dash menu, so difficult to click app icon in that area except placing the pointer right at the very bottom of the icon.
Can the position be changed to be better?
Bottom labels (black) of opened app (when still opening 1 app) covers the dash menu, so difficult to click app icon in that area except placing the pointer right at the very bottom of the icon.
Can the position be changed to be better?
This might be a problem when using 2 or more workspaces or that specific layout, I use only 1 workspace and the first Zorin Appearance layout and never saw the label cover the taskbar.
The tool tip position below the window is normal. It's covering the dock because the Firefox window was full screen. Move the pointer further down and the tool tip will go away. if you don't like what you see, use dash-to-dock extension and relocate the dash to the left side of the screen.