The only one missing from that would be Hello Kitty Linux a.k.a. Felinux! What do you think @Storm ?
i literately just downloaded that pic to come post here
that baby probably looking at the terminal
Isn't that an "Uno" card?
now that you mention it , i think it is
it's not just an Uno card, Storm, it's a Suno card
(good god the joke I made was horrible)
Found on Etsy. Nice.
This one is my favorite, because for every blue screen that Windows ever had, not one of them ever fixed anything. It was always a forced crash situation, which required a forced restart of the machine. Much like how today Windows now forces screen captures on you without your consent, oh, it won't do anything to help you though.
Dude, I really like this one too! Instead of, which came first, the chicken or the egg question. The reality is, the egg is simply the chicken zipped up, taking up less space.
Its funny, I still remember when zip files first became a thing in the late 90's. The trouble was, hard drives were not increasing in storage size fast enough, in order to keep up with the ever increasing file storage demand.
I forget the name of the guy who invented zip files, but goodness we thanked him for WinZip. And we were all zipping up files for like 20-years, maybe a little less, until storage drives finally caught up.
Once I got my first 250GB drive, I stopped zipping up files, I just didn't see the need. By the time I had a 500GB drive, their certainly wasn't a need, and now we have drives up in the 1TB and up range.
But of course, the more games we install, the more of the storage we use up, and eventually, you hear me say, well, gotta by another drive, cause I got no more space lol. Its cheaper these days to buy more storage, it just is.
Back in the 90's however, storage drives were so expensive for so little storage. The answer was not to buy more storage back in those days, it was, you are going to zip that stuff up.
So you chicken, get back in your egg you. HAHA!
Thats really funny.
Arch Linux.
The user had mistakenly asked for an A.I. image of a notebook that followed the design of Salvador Dali's melting clocks, not realising how advanced A.I. had become!