The Linux Humor Thread

Current job...

"Why did you show up for work late today?"

"Would you believe my clock melted, I couldn't read the time."

"Well your clock is not the only thing that is going to feel the heat, cause your fired."

Next job, employment office, for a pizza baking position...

"In your own words, can you please tell me why you would be good for this position?"

"Well, I was fired at my last job, so I think that quality experience, which qualifies me to bake a pizza."

"Why did you burn the pizza, your only supposed to bake them for 10-minutes!"

"The clock melted on the wall and I lost track of time."

"Your fired!"


Not really linux humour but Dave Allen the late great Irish Comedian got into hot water about clock joke he told.

"We wake up by the clock, eat our meals by the clock, get transport by the clock, go to work by the clock. And after serving a company from youth to retirement, what do they give you as a retirement present? A xxxxing clock!"


It's the new foldable laptop model for extra space efficiency :joy:

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ChatGPT is wrong here. At the End of this is a p and not a P.



Actually 2024 should read 2019! And why did we need two monitors? Because Microsoft can't create a notification sound in Outlook365! :rofl:

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Nice one :joy::+1:t2:


This is so true, plus fifa uses the same engine for years :joy:

Windows is such a thing that a headache is normal and a doctor won't prescribe you a prescription.

only amputation :slight_smile:

Did google translator taken a mistake? :wink:

I was just suggesting the only doctors prescription suitable for Windows would be amputation (removal). Not a good joke I guess if you have to spell it out.

BSOD 24H2 - weel it was fresh installation and next two days it died. I tried everything and last choice was deleted from hard disk. My choice don't delete linux was a good choice. The next advice forget about support microsoft technician. It is secretary chat bot. Redirecting and here Redirecting

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Some AI generated images online.

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AI Photo Generator (realistic, free, no sign-up, no limits) here is nice free

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i tried your link , and it's inaccurate to say the least. i asked for a zorin os logo on fire and this is the results...

then asked my sidekick lol and this is the result ...

you be the judge :stuck_out_tongue:


Did You typed ''zorin'' - with an r? Because the upper ones are wrote ''Zoin'' without an r.