[THEME] Install window tilling theme like you see in r/unixporn on your zorin os

If you want to do this type of theming like you see in r/unixporn subreddit, without changing your desktop environment to a window manager on zorin os or do the theming within your own gnome desktop,
I'll teach you how you can do that.

[ step 1 ] :

Install the tiling window manager like setup by using a gnome extension called 'gnomesome'.

Install this extension from here.


Cheak the about page or go the creators GitHub page to learn how to use this extension.

[ step 2 ] :

Download the 'cyberpunk
nightcity' wallpaper from here.


or download any wallpaper you like.

[ step 3 ] :

Install neofetch and cmatrix in terminal with this command

sudo apt install neofetch
sudo apt install cmatrix

For viewing the cpu information
like you see in the above picture,

type 'top' in the terminal shell.

[ step 4 ] :

Customising and making the terminal semi-transparent, open terminal > right click and select preferences and increase the background transparency, and also customise terminal colour from the colour tab according to your liking.

[ step 5 ] :

Customising task bar by right-clicking the taskbar and clicking preferences.
for arranging the taskbar menu. Right click taskbar and clicking taskbar settings.

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