OK, I don't know how you installed Zorin OS, when you installed Zorin OS, and what you have installed, since installing Zorin OS. I also don't know if you verified the 256 HASH when you downloaded the Zorin OS ISO, to burn on a flash drive either.
But I tell you what I do know, you might have installed Zorin OS, with fast boot, and secure boot enabled in the bios. Believe it or not, a lot of people have made this mistake. Please go into your computer's bio's, and disable secure boot, and fast boot, then see if your OS boots.
Remember, the more information you can provide, the more helpful we can be to assist you. But there is some helpful information for now.
when im try to switch back on windows my storage got so many unnicifent space so i clean and re install all the possible junk or trash files but i use my terminal to automatically delete and reset my zorin like a brand new after that my zorin go corrupted
Now we have the answer on what happened. Even if your reasons to remove junk files was well intention-ed, if you delete the wrong things, you can easily corrupt an operating system. Unless someone has a better idea, you might need to reinstall the operating system.
Back when I was a kid, and using Windows, we had much smaller hard drives back in the day. (Think 80MB) So being's that I couldn't get a larger hard drive, I was forced to try and manually trim the OS down, to gain space for early era games.
But in doing so, I inadvertently deleted a little too much, and I prevented my OS from booting! It was a hard lesson I had to learn, and I never forgot it.