Thunderbird: Change the application which opens attachments

In Thunderbird you can select which application should be used to open the particular file types. The standard is System Handler. But nothing happens.

I want to open .docx files with OnlyOffice which I installed via software center (flatpak). When I click on "other app", Thunderbird opens the file manager. I know that OnlyOffice is installed in /var/lib/flatpak/app but how to select the application file?

I checked this post and the problem is probably containerization. Would it be possible to let Thunderbird see other installed apps, using Flatseal?

The primary question is if you have Thunderbird installed as .deb (e.g. via apt, dpkg, aptitude, synaptic) or as flatpak. And if i understand you correct - you mean: open in a editor and not as a new tab in thunderbird (like with .pdf as preview). In my case it worked i have thunderbird with my locale language package (thunderbird thunderbird-locale-de) installed via apt, libre-office via apt and only-office installed as flatpak with Zorin 17 (Ubu 22.04). And even if you use Zorin 16 the versions in apt for thunderbird is up to date, so i wouldn't go for the flatpak.

For file extensions i have only-office selected for ms files like docx, pptx etc. and for open formats like .odt libre-office as default. For selecting default just pick any .docx file with rightclick -> settings -> open with. My thunderbird detect my selections and opens a popup cause i selected "always ask" (see Screenshot). But i can opt for remember selected action so skip the popup and open in editor immediately.

Note i had more Screenshots but don't mailed me all and now im not at Zorin, i can send them aswell later, if needed. And my system language is German but the screenshot should be understandable in a comparison, sorry for the inconvenience.

I saw lots of applications from the Zorin repo (apt) being outdated, that's why I chose to install Thunderbird via flatpak. But Thunderbird from Zorin is almost up to date... Just installed Thunderbird from there and now it works. Thank you!

Yeah i understand you, especially with Zorin 16 you have mostly an outdated base as repository in apt and there are probably some ways to "break" an flatpak application free but it can be an hassle to config it all. So i always compare apt versions to recent and if my features are supported i stick with an bit older one too.

Most programs work fine as flatpak like Communication, Editors, browsers, players but if they need more rights like a shell it's annoying to run them from an flatpak. Sometimes you can look at launchpad for a newer version published in the newer ubuntu repo. You cant jump to high there cause at some point it's not just the program dependencys you had to download but your system dependency are too old as well (like glibc). You download them there with their dependency and install them from your download folder. That works fine if it's just 3-4 downloads and only liberaries from the program needed and skip it if they required too much. Or you can mess with the repositories at a whole but in my case i let them untouched. So it's mostly a cherry-picking and a quick fix attempt if they leave an ubuntu repo too early.

Just as a note and thanks for the info with flatseal, never heard about it but sounds interesting. :slight_smile:

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Thanks :slight_smile: Good that we don't need Thunderbird to be completely up to date - it's fine as long as it keeps receiving and sending emails.

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