Top X+1 things to do after installing Zorin OS 16

  1. Install timeshift-autosnap-apt - Timeshift auto-snapshot script which runs before any apt update|install|remove command using a DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in APT. Works best in BTRFS mode, but RSYNC is also supported (on ext4 might be slow though, but your system is automatically snapshot before upgrade/install)


  • This script is a fork of timeshift-autosnap from the AUR, but adapted for usage with the APT package manager of Debian or Ubuntu based systems.
  • Creates Timeshift snapshots with a unique (customizable) comment.
  • Keeps only a certain number of snapshots created using this script.
  • Deletes old snapshots which are created using this script.
  • Makes a copy with RSYNC of /boot and /boot/efi to /boot.backup before the call to Timeshift for more flexible restore options.
  • Can be manually executed by running sudo timeshift-autosnap-apt.
  • Autosnaphots can be temporarily skipped by setting "SKIP_AUTOSNAP" environment variable (e.g. sudo SKIP_AUTOSNAP= apt upgrade)
  • Supports grub-btrfs which automatically creates boot menu entries of all your btrfs snapshots into grub.
  • For a tutorial how to use this script in production to easily rollback your system, see System Recovery with Timeshift.

Full Article and Installation: GitHub - wmutschl/timeshift-autosnap-apt: Timeshift auto-snapshot script for Ubuntu and Debian based systems which creates snapshots of your system with timeshift before a package install, remove or upgrade using DPkg::Pre-Invoke hook in apt. Fork of timeshift-autosnap from AUR.

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