Touchpad Toggle

Hi, I could turn off my touchpad by pressing F6, and then the touchpad turns off. However, on startup, the touchpad is set to on automatically. I again have to press F6 to turn off my touchpad. I don’t want to disable it entirely. I just want to turn the touchpad on when necessary just by pressing F6 again. What do I do?

BTW, mine is a Lenovo Z50-70 laptop.

Whilst you don't have a 'non-working' issue, does the suggestion posted here help?

If you have gnome-tweaks (Tweaks) installed try adding this extension:

No. My touchpad is working fine. I just want to somehow store the on/off state of touchpad across startups.

Do I have to run some command on startup?

Does this askubuntu thread help?:

libinput is already installed on my system.

Is something like pressing a FN key on startup is possible?

Like having a command which would press the F6 key on startup?

I just found out this. But toggling the touchpad off is not working.

When I execute sudo xdotool key XF86TouchpadToggle the button in the “Mouse & Touchpad” in settings does not switch off.

You can try adding this indicator which comes with a toggle:

Also, there is a way to make it Auto Toggle:

This is just disabling the touchpad entirely. Not toggling it.

Enter KDE!:

Disclaimer on the page: NOT MAINTENAINED ANYMORE

Might be worth trying out for now, though.

Searching for an actual Toggle, I am not finding much for Gnome. I found some bash scripts that may work, but pretty sure you don’t want to go through that trouble without a reasonable guarantee it will do what you want it to do.

You can usually disable the TouchPad in the bios if you don’t use it. Press f2 to access your bios(on most laptops, may be different on yours) and look through the advanced options for TouchPad change it to disabled. It will not come on at all. You will have to enable it in the bios again if you want to use it.