I am an old engineer and a computer lover. Through the years have used just about every possible computer system. As Windows has become more invasive, have moved to various versions of Linux. As with many, have bounced around to various distros looking for the "perfect" system. After trying many, I always come back to Zorin. The only negative about Zorin is it is boring as it always works. I have put it on Macbooks, IMAC, numerous laptops, etc. The summary is that it works well out of the box with virtually hardware. While some of the distros have a bit more modern or inovative look, Zorin is solid and dependable. I will likely continue to load other distros (in some cases, virtually) but in the end, it's hard to beat Zorin's performance and reliability. For someone wanting to try linux as a replacement for their Windows computer, you simply can't do any better!
Welcome to the Forum!
That is a good Point. The thing is: LTS Distros are simply boring. And that is the Intention of them. Only when a new Main Version comes, then you have new Stuff to try and play with but then it is boring again. It simply do the Stuff.
For your VMs I would suggest (I use both on bare metal) PCLinuxOS Plasma and the Community version that uses Trinity desktop. The other, my daily go to is Q4OS, also available as a 32-bit version. They also have 64-bit Trinity Desktop, the only 'mainstream' distro to provide Trinity Desktop editions (cf. PCLinuxOS which provides 3 alternative DE's, Plasma, MATE, xfce).
same here , iv'e been on numerous distros , then found Zorin...
never looked backed , it just works , and keeps working. Unlike other distros iv'e been on ,basically all of them started acting up after few months . Since iv'e been on Zorin it just been plain sailing , and i haven't done everything different really from when i was on other distros.
PS : i feel i need to add that to me it seems Lite ,which i'm on , looks more resilient to issues than core or pro , from what i read here ...
or it could be that the majority of users is on said core or pro , so obviously we'd get more posts here about issues from them ?
dread the day Lite is being discontinued
Well you can always look at alternatives. PCLinuxOS has an xfce version, no indication of it being dropped, in addition to MATE and Plasma. Additionaly Q4OS allows you to install additional DEs other than the default Plasma. They even do a 32-bit version of Plasma.
i did try PCLinuxOS and Q4OS , among other's i cant remember,little while ago , didn't like it .
mind you i didn't really gave it a change , i looked around quick and it was to ...different...lol
ques when the time comes when Lite is gone , i'll try MXLinux again .
was on it before and loved it ,but started acting up after few months . Maybe it's better now , i'll see
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