Ubuntu (and Zorin) will plan to update 22.04 to 6.6 LTS kernel?

24.04 will come to 6.8 kernel. It would be a VERY logically, that 22.04 will come the 6.6 LTS kernel update...

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS End of life - Apr 2027

Linux Kernel 6.6 LTS End of life - Dec 2026

If it will happen, we will get a really good and long supported kernel+base distro!

(Yeah i know that possible to install 6.6 with custom PPA, but i not like this sollutions...)

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When Canonical delivers the 6.6 LTS Kernel to Ubuntu 22.04 Zorin should get this Kernel too because Zorin uses the Kernels that Ubuntu use. So, the Question ist: Will Ubuntu 22 LTS get the 6.6 LTS Kernel?


@Ponce-De-Leon Yes, it is my question too :slight_smile:

6.5 are end of life at august

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We will see. Maybe Canonical take the 6.7 Kernel; could be a Posibility, too.

Regarding kernels update see the previous post.

I had the same question , i think zorin will get everything ubuntu 22.04 will have in the future

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in the meantime here a good kernel alternative (both 6.6 and 6.7)

i don't like custom repos, but it is a interesting project... Stéphane Graber are (old) Canonical employee that develop LXC containers.