Ubuntu security problem

When I did updates in Zorin and restarted my laptop, I got the following message " setup Notice, Ubuntu has been blocked by the current security policy."

Anybody have a fix for this? Thanks

This sounds like a boot problem. So are you able to get into the OS itself, or are you stuck at this screen? (Screenshot would never hurt :wink: ).

Do You have Secure Boot in BIOS active? If yes, disable it and try it again.

I have my laptop set up with a dual boot system. I was able to boot to Windows 10 or Zorin. When the message comes up, if I click ok, it boots Windows. I can't get to Zorin.

I don't know. How do I disable it?

It's a BIOS setting, but every BIOS is different so there's no single set of steps I can outline for you, unfortunately.

This guide will help you find and disable it:

Also, if there is any mention of sbat in the boot errors, check this guide:

You must go into Your BIOS. There look for a Function called ''Secure Boot'' and check if it is disabled. If it is enabled, disable it. Then try if it works.

It could be that it is a Problem caused from a Microsoft Windows Update (You wrote that it is a dual-Boot System). Until it is ready the easiest Thing is to disable Secure Boot in the BIOS.

Okay, I followed the instructions and that worked. Thanks for your help.

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I have marked the post solution.


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