Unable to boot Zorin os pro

And I'm guessing there is no alpha zorin 17 in the wild anywhere to test it out?

-chuckle- the images that put in my head...

No, not just yet. But Zorin OS 17 is around the corner.

Guess I'll have to use another distro for now:/ Is it ok to recommend something here or other distro talks is off limits? I really like the design of zorin...

There are several existing threads open on using other distros.
Several of the active members are using Fedora right now, instead of Zorin OS.

To me, it looks like you are looking for an Up to date or Rolling release; Gnome and Wayland.
You might look into Fedora or Debian 12 Bookworm, first. Other options are Arch or Manjaro. Aside from Latest Ubuntu.

Zorin Design and themes are also Open Source. So you can use them on other distros. Though the current available themes for Gnome may need to wait on Zorin OS 17 due to Gnome4+

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