Unable to connect Airpods Pro 2

I'm unable to connect my Airpods to my PC. I changed in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf from #ControllerMode = dual to ControllerMode = bredr but it still doesn't work. I get "Not Set Up". How can I fix this?

Are those airphones connected to your iphone too and in a close range ? If yes turn off Bluetooth from the iPhone and only use the bluetooth on your computer.

I made the mistake that my airpods didn’t connect to my laptop because they where connected to my phone.

Revert the changes and try again. as they are not needed, at least not on my end.

I disabled bluetooth on my iPhone and I reverted the changes in /etc/bluetooth/main.conf but still no succes.
I'm using a bluetooth USB adapter, could this be a problem?

Should not be a issue. I am running X11 and you are probably on wayland, maybe that “might be” the issue. Check if you can switch to x11. Sign off, there should be a wheel on the login session to switch to X11.

I'm already on X11

Oke, then try this again

  1. Add ControllerMode = bredr to /etc/bluetooth/main.conf by using sudo gedit /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
  2. Run sudo service bluetooth restart
  3. Turn Bluetooth off and back on on the Bluetooth page in settings
  4. Connect to Airpod

Without the dualmode

Alternatieve you can use the the terminal and try to manually pair it

bluetoothctl scan on

If your AirPods' name doesn't appear immediately, try putting them into pairing mode for about 10 seconds. If that doesn't work, turning off your Bluetooth and then turning it back on might force the device to show up with its name.

Once you've identified your AirPods by their address, you can pair them by executing the following command with the appropriate address:


bluetoothctl pair E0:EB:40:1D:AD:9D

Upon successful pairing, you'll see a confirmation message.

That worked to get connected. But under Sound settings I can't find them in Output. And if I open a YouTube video, I hear nothing

It should be listed in the settings. Did you try to disable Bluetooth (off) and turn it back on after a few seconds ?

Check in settings to -> sound

It didn't show in the settings>sound either.
After disabling Bluetooth and turning it back on, I get the same problem with "Not Set Up"

Now when I try to connect them via Terminal, I get "Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationCanceled"

Just a possible dumb question, but are you pairing the earbuds to your computer? I know you've removed them from your phone, but they would still need to be put to their "pairing" mode to get a connection to a new device.

I don't know how airpods work, but my wifes have a button on the charging case that she has to hold and keep the lid open with them in it to enter pairing mode.

(There's no dumb questions. A question = question)
I open the lid with my earbuds in the case and i long press the button thats behind the case. When the white light starts to flash it means that it's in pairing mode. And on Windows, when it was in pairing mode, I could connect them with no problem (and I know that Windows is different from Linux but that's how it worked for me).

If that's the case, then it's a little weird, but I know Apple loves their proprietary stuff and making things difficult. This may be something to look into:

Which is also referenced in an issue similar here:

This is Debian, mind you, so not exatly the same, but the files shown explicitly state it adds support for base 22.04 for more formats, which may or may not help with the bluetooth connection to these buds.

Unfortunately that's probably all the help I can be of, hopefully that makes it work for you, or someone else can.

I think that I found the solution.
I asked ChatGPT for some help (something that I don't do when it comes to PC help because it's not always accurate. Like it thought that Zorin OS 17 uses kernel 5.15.x instead of 6.8.x).

To connect, I used the terminal and I used:

trust <AirPods MAC adress>
connect <AirPods MAC adress>

And that worked for me.

Then, I downloaded and installed pavucontrol. There I changed under Configuration tab for my Airpods to use A2DP Sink profile. And under Playback tab I have changed for Firefox to use my AirPods and that has fixed the problem.

Even though these problems are solved, I don't know if it will stay like that forever (And with that I mean that on every boot up I will need to repeat those steps).

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What you could do is add a basic script that would run those commands on startup for you, and do it via cron

  • Create basic script (ex bash)
  • crontab -e will allow you to edit your cron
  • Add something like @reboot /path/to/script to run the script when the system boots up
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