Unable to Install On Acer Laptop

I have tried Antix before and I am not a big fan of the distro.

Check the service manual:

Old laptops are very easy to open and modify compared with new ones. Machine disassembly instruction starts from page 45.

Moksha desktop is very intuitive. Windows like design makes it easy for people to make switch.

Thanks very much for finding the manuals. I will take a close look when I have a time to do so.

I get Bodhi installed. It is running all right and is responsive. I still like Zorin clean UI though. And thank both for your help.

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You could select different themes in Bodhi to give it a look you prefer. If you still want to use Zorin, I recommend you to get a screwdriver and open your machine and increase RAM. It is much easier than most people think - especially for old laptops.


  1. Take a photo with a mobile phone at each step of disassembly
  2. Have enough small containers at hand to sort/keep screws
  3. Optionality, for extremely complicated disassembly like old MacBook (which you could still open and access its innards), draw a diagram and stick screws at the right spot with Scotch tape on this diagram.

This strategy can be applied to other appliances as well. Since I am the only person who can solder in the entire family, I quite often ended up fixing things like kettles and coffee makers, etc and the above strategy always works.


I don't think you understand how RAM modules actually work. If you etc install faster than 533MHz the faster MHz module will automaticly be lowered to first module speed. So if you put a slower module then first one will also be lowered automaticly to 2nd module speed. so it does not matter which module speed you install as long RAM module is compatible by laptops BIOS. Alot of laptops have a whitelist in it's BIOS so installing one that isn't whitelisted will get laptop/pc to throw error code or beep.

Ah, you are right.
Thanks for the correction.

As long as I know there is no whitelist for Acer Aspire of this vintage. HP is notorious for their whitelist and I had to flash my netbook with modbios to override it - but that is another story.

I would add:
Before handling RAM modules, ground yourself first by touching a metal water pipe or central heating radiator etc - assumung you do not posess a professional earth wrist strap.

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I got one of those at Amazon less than 10 Euro. Along with a non static mat, it is a nice thing to have if one touches the inside of computer time to time.

Also it is a good idea to avoid wearing any clothes which can generate static charge such as wool and synthetic fabric.