Unable to mount external hard drive after computer reboot, unknown error

Hello, folks.

I hope someone can help me out with a bit of a problem with an external hard drive.

The machine it runs Zorin 17.2 Core (updated 9/21/24). While using it the next day, it went down due to a power flicker. Brought it back up, but the external hard drive will no longer mount. The message is:

Error mounting /dev/sdc1/ at /media/"username"/easystore. Unknown error when mounting /dev/sdc1/

I have removed the external drive from the machine that went down and attempted to mount it on my other machines (both Zorin 17.1, not yet upgraded). Those machines could not read the external hard drive either.

The Zorin 17.2 OS did say I could safely dismount the drive, which was confusing, since I apparently could not mount it in the first place.

To be clear, the machines are Zorin machines. I do not use Windows.

The external hard drive was working fine on the machines until the blink.

Is there some sort of command / set of commands that might help with this matter?

I appreciate any help you can offer me to resolve this problem.

Thanks, and have a great day!


I found a solution that fixed the problem.

I ran the following:

sudo ntfsfix -d /dev/sdc1

That found and fixed the problems with the blink. The external drive is accessible now.

Hope this info will help anyone else who might run into this problem.

Take care!


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