Unable to print on network attached printer since latest update


I own a network attached Ricoh printer (model IM C530FB) and had been using it without major issues ever since its purchase. ZorinOS detected the printer automatically and installed its drivers from the printer's server. But the latest update performed two days ago on my computer running version Core 17.2 made it unable to connect to the printer. It is still visible in the list of printers, but when I select it in the list, the system tries connecting to the printer in an endless loop and the print button is greyed - ie I cannot launch the print. The printer works well and prints documents sent from other computers on our network running Windows. And I can still print documents on another of our network attached printers.

Would anyone happen to know how I could resolve this matter - besides restoring a daily backup made prior to the update?

Thank you, in advance, for your attention and help.

I love hearing when people have a backup they can go to in a situation just as this. Just makes my heart a flutter. As for the printer, have you tried adding the printer again through the "Add Printer" dialogue? I'm just wondering if the current printer has had something change and is not pointing to the right location, so it might be a situation where it needs to be removed and readded.

Worst comes to worse, if we try reverting to your old backup, we know it will work there at least.

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