Unable to scan from Brother MFC-J5620DW

I was very surprised since @Hockey_Steve just got clean installed the entire OS.

Double click on the .gZ file should bring up Archiver to uncompress it.

I'm able to print, but I need to add the scan. Should I just download and install the scan driver??

I think it is better not to use a wild card *
Discourse add some formatting which makes the command inaccurate.

It is better to type exact name of the file.
gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz

I only provided all the links in case you need them.
Just grab the ones you need, then sudo dpkg -i *.deb and they will install.

Yeah my bad...I tried to use the gunzip command as well and i got the same error "No such file or directory" even though I did not tamper with libc6.....Don't know why this is happening. By the way when I double click on it the archive manager opens and if I try to open the file inside then only I get a document with a lot of lines as @Hockey_Steve mentioned.

Why do you think the Archiver does not work in @Hockey_Steve's system?
I've never seen this phenomenon before.

Same result typing in the full command

hockey_steve@ThinkCentre:~/Downloads$ gunzip linux-brprinter-installer-..-.gz
gzip: linux-brprinter-installer-..-.gz: No such file or directory

That is super strange.
I only get a single installer file showing in Archiver and extract only a single file.

Screenshot from 2021-11-22 17-07-45

Do you think you can check this for me?
I am completely puzzled.

The installer on that page is a .gz file and is CLI only.

All the rest are .deb self-installers, which is why I recommended the steps above.

Note: You also can just rename it to .tar.gz from .gz.

Wait. wait.wait. the problem is with the name....@Hockey_Steve plz rename the file to linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz and run the command again. The terminal is taking the .3-1.gz as the file name extension.

Yup. That is exactly what I use since I bought this printer 3 years ago.

I double click to extract installer (single file) and run the installation script in terminal to install all drivers in one go.

What surprised me was that Archive cannot open the compressed file.
I tested it myself a few times without any issue.

I renamed and the command worked.

That is just the discourse forum software mangling the code is all. Must use the no-parse option to post code.

Interesting. It doesn't do that on mine... Looking at the page, it states:

  • Only installation via the command line interface (terminal) is supported.
  • Only English versions of drivers are available.

The rest are the Individual packages which I linked to above. He needs only download the ones he needs, then run sudo dpkg -i *.deb and they will install.

Didn't work for me.

hockey_steve@ThinkCentre:~/Downloads$ l
brscan4-0.4.10-1.amd64.deb linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz
hockey_steve@ThinkCentre:~/Downloads$ linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz
linux-brprinter-installer-2.2.3-1.gz: command not found

I think the unwanted auto-formatting by Discourse strikes again :frowning:

Would it be easier using the Synaptic Package Manager?

At this stage, you could follow @Aravisian's advise and install from .deb files.

You can install gdebi for easy GUI installation:

sudo apt install gdebi

After that, you should be able to double click .deb file for installing whatever the drives you need for this printer.

Once you finished installing, I will tell you how to add this one to the Document Scanner.

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No, I meant to rename the file...That was not a command

^See above.

(Gdebi is good, too. I have it installed and use it).


I just notice the danger of using wildcard* in posting.
It could be taken as a document formatting symbol.