Unable to set write and execute perm on a drive

i am using zorin os 17 and now i am stuck at setting ownership for this drive to get write and executable perm
i tried chown -R "your username" path_to_drive
command (yeah typed the path and name correctly not copied this in terminal) it just completes and says read type file system changing ownership what should i do for it ?

If it's owned by root you won't be able to change it unless you also run as root:

sudo chown -R $USER: <path_to_drive>

Screenshot from 2024-03-29 19-02-08
Screenshot from 2024-03-29 19-03-47

done trying it too didnt work either what is this issue rename is still greyed out and cant paste anything in files

What filesystem is that drive using?

its on NTFS file system

If this drive was used on Windows OS previously in which Windows hibernated or was not fully shutdown when the drive was removed, this could cause the flags on the drive to not clear properly.

You could mount it on a Windows machine and fiddle with it, (move some files around, open some...) then fully shutdown Windows. Then mount the drive on Zorin OS and see if you can gain access.

On Zorin OS, you can use disks to check the device I.D., then run in terminal (replace the X with the drive continued ID):

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdX

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Is this a network drive or plugged in? Can you please share a screenshot of Disks?

It was issue of fast startup when i turned it off all was fine on my system

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