Unable to upgrade Zorin OS using Zorin OS app

I installed Zorin OS using the method here to install Zorin OS on my M1 MacBook Air UTM VM. I would like to upgrade my OS to Pro (because I like the premium layout). However, when I processed to open the "Upgrade Zorin OS" app, it said that I don't have internet connection (but I have connected to internet).

Thank you for reading. I would like to get help for you.

The system tray indicate there's no connection. Try wire it instead of using wireless if that is the case.

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If you are still having issues after following @Storm 's advice, you can request help from Team Zorin directly:

Seems like none of the setting is work for my VM (Options of setting: shared with host, analogue VLAN, Host-Only, Bridged). Do you mean I should use wired connection for my host computer?

Aye, see if it make a different.

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