Uninstalling Snap/snapd

I was having trouble uninstalling snap from zorin, is there a foolproof way to get snap and all traces of it out of my system.

First, look if You have installed Snap Programs. that you can do with the Terminal. Open it and type snap list

When Snap Programs are installed and you want remove them type snap remove --purge [Package-Name]

After that You should turn off Snap. To do this type in the Terminal:

sudo systemctl stop snapd
after that:
sudo systemctl disable snapd

Then comes the Uninstallation. For that type in the Terminal:

sudo apt purge snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap

After that type sudo apt autoremove to delete the Rests from the Uninstallation.


EDIT: Sorry @Ponce-De-Leon, I did not notice your post until I made mine and the page refreshed.


No Problem. Now @Lyr1cal has an alternative Source to look and verify what I have written. That is not a bad Thing.


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