Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 - Internet Archive - various formats

Finally managed to get Mk.II of the Manual (.pdf) uploaded to the Internet Archive here:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk II : swarfendor437 : Free...

This is the Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 CoreFont Used: Bitstream Vera Sans

Note, you need to select PDF from the column to the right to get the interactive contents page of the manual:

.odt version:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk II : swarfendor437 : Free...

The Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 Core MkII.odtOpen Document Template version.Font used: Bitstream Vera Sans

.docx format:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk II : swarfendor437 : Free...

The Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 Core Mk.II.docx.docx formatFont used: Bitstream Vera Sans

.tmdx format:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk II : swarfendor437 : Free...

The Unofficial Manula for Zorin 17 Core Mk.II.tmdxTextMaker file format.Font used: Bitstream Vera Sans

Mk.IIII - Comic Relief font .pdf:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk IIII Comic Relief : swarfendor437...

The Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 Core Mk.IIII.pdf - accessible version - Comic_Relief font used.

Mk.IIII - Open Dyslexic font .pdf:

Internet Archive

The Unofficial Manual For Zorin 17 Core Mk IIII Open Dyslexic : swarfendor437...

The Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 Core Mk.IIIIAccessible version using Open Dyslexic fontfile format: .pdf


This guide/thread replaces the former tutorial guide stored under the failed cloud storage.

Will you thinking to upload the Z15 Unofficial Manual to Internet Archive as well?

I updated the Zorin 15 Unofficial Manual thread with the link. Perhaps instead of deleting that thread, delete all prior posts to the one pointing to the Internet Archive. @moderators

Is that this thread:

That is the thread yes, but can you also keep @anon37206250 post intact as there is also his link active as an alternative source. Thanks.

Performed as requested above.


can i share compressed version in

I don't see why not so long nothing extra in the package.

nothing added or removed... just compression

1 Like

I stand in awe! 300 plus pages of explanation and guidance. Thank you so much for your relentless hard work on this.

It wasn't too hard as I had used the unofficial manual for Zorin 15 as a starting point. I had used neonuser Plasma running virt-manager of Zorin 17 so I could easily capture same size screenshots with Spectacle.