Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
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firmware-b43-installer is already the newest version (1:019-3).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
No, not really.
What I did was assembled a desktop to be compatible with Apple hardware and installed MacOS on it. I then virtualized Windows on it. You can see I really hate to install Windows bare-metal.
Our only Macbook is given to 89 years old mother-in-law and I do not have it at hand.
This I cannot tell.
As I said, I am not a genuine Apple hardware user.
Is there any reason you need to use Zorin 15,3 rather than the latest 16?
You have enough computer power to run 16 which solved some issues for other forum members.
OK, I see there has been a lot of support posts since I've been away, but not one to suggest buying a USB WIFI adapter. I think we are at the point where we got to admit defeat. This is one of those times, where Apple makes it unnecessarily difficult, by installing a WIFI unit inside that is so proprietary, it only works on MAC OS.
I just made a post about WIFI adapters, let me get you the link, and then you can pick from a list of WIFI adapters to try for your situation.
Hopefully you can get WIFI again provided by one of those devices.