Update seems stuck

I installed Zorin OS 16 Pro about 2 weeks ago and I really like this OS. However, in the Software store I'm seeing this under Updates.

This has been this way for 2 days now. I restarted my computer, but still this persists. Any ideas what to do?

Actually now you pointed out, I checked my installation of Zorin 16 Pro.
I got this error message in Software Update. It says "unable to obtain a list of update (in Japanese).

I wonder if @Aravisian @StarTreker might have some idea about this.

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Well, this is interesting. I shutdown my computer and restarted (again). Now I have this. All looks good now.

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I think I will restart my system right now :wink:

It's got fixed.
Thanks for the tip!


Hey my awesome Zoriners! How are we doing today? I am doing awesome! HEHE :grin:

If you have been following my posts on here in regards to updates, I have often recommended simply restarting to fix the issue. This fixes 50% of update issues. The other 50% were certification errors, that the Zorin's since fixed.

We Zoriners sale at sea, on a search for a new land, where there is no update issues, only starvation issues if there are no coconuts on the island we reached to. Alright, who's got the saw? What do we need a saw for? How else are we gonna open a coconut? LOL


Next time update through the terminal when this happens

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade


Yes, I agree.
But sometimes it is required to reboot to make things to work correctly. I do know know the actual reason for it, but it is my observation.


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