Updates and screen flickering issues on zorin 17.2

Everytime i restart my laptop for updates, i get this error on screen which says an important software update failed to install and i should contact the software providers..what could be the issue? and the second issue is on screen flickering

Sometimes Zorin OS software updater stops working, due to reasons I never understood. I just know the way to fix it, is by running this command...

CTRL ALT F2 to enter terminal.

sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software

Enter your password to complete the command. Now the software updater should be able to re-pool in the software packages.

Regarding flickering, the only thing I can think of that would cause that, is lack of your proprietary video driver being installed.

You can find your proprietary driver, in the Additional Drivers list, from "Software & Updates"

Do You have set up automatic Updates? And what Updates are these? From the Software Updater or from Gnome Software? When You type in the Terminal sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade do You get any Error Messages?

Because of Screen Flickering:

  • What Graphics do You have? If Nvidia: What Driver is installed?
  • Are You running Zorin in wayland or Xorg Mode?
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Go to setting's about. This is what you want to be running, X11.

in wayland

Hello Tony.

OK, so here's what I would like you to do.

(1) Restart your computer.

(2) When your computer reaches the login screen, click on your name to make the password field appear.

(3) Click on the :gear: wheel that now has appeared.

(4) Choose X11.

(5) Now you can enter your password and login.

Conclusion: In switching to X11, were hoping that your computer begins performing normally. I am using X11 for this very reason.


i have done that..let's wait for the result.concerning the software update issue, the issue still persist even after running this
sudo apt install --reinstall gnome-software

i don't have any additional drivers installed

And how is it with the Update Settings what I wrote about and the Command?

on running update and upgrade command ,there is no errors am getting

This sounds like a Flatpak package message, to me. Has any one checked this?

Is it possible that You could make a Picture of the Error Screen for the Update Issue?

This when i click view details of the error

This when i restart my device

Take a Look at this: