Updating zorin os 17.1

can the new zorin 17.1 -r2 be installed as an update or just a fresh install

Both. The .iso has been updated as well.

My understanding:
If you upgrade Z16 to Z17.1 you will get Z17.1r2
If you download Z17.1 you will now get Z17.1r2
If you already have Z17, Z17.1 you will get updates, but not Firefox as an .apt.

The dev's announcement for reference:

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Screenshot from 2024-08-14 11-46-19

ok so un update will apear soon then...thanks

If you already have progressed from Z17 to Z17.1 Core, you will not see Z17.1r2 Core as a version as such. So will still be indicated as version "17.1".

just wanted to upgrade without losing everything i have done..so far installed a win 11 type theme and desktop live wallpapers just dont want to have to start over with all this

ya i fresh installed core 17.1 like 5 months ago. left windows 11 forever and came to use this as my daily. very happy with it and dont want to mess up all the work i have put into what i have

When did you install Z17? If you downloaded the .iso since Z17.1r2 was announced, look at the .iso file name. What does it say?

In any case all Z17 users will get point release updates via software updater, e.g. Z17.1 then future Z17.2 etc.
(Do not confuse Z17.2 with Z17.1r2, the latter is a sub-point release of Z17.1.)

around 5 months ago on 17.1 core

For Version 17.1 Core, there have been 3 .iso release issues:

  • Zorin-OS-17.1-Core-64-bit
  • Zorin-OS-17.1-Core-64-bit-r1
  • Zorin-OS-17.1-Core-64-bit-r2

Only r2 will have the Firefox as .apt on installation. The others will have FF as Flatpak as default source. Otherwise updates should be same for all.


:slight_smile: ll just have to wait for either a software update or a version update...thanks for replying....:slight_smile:

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