Upgrade to Zorin 17 and 17.1: freeze and unexpected logout

Hello all,
I was using Zorin 16.3 and upgraded to Zorin 17 when it was released.
I went back to Zorin 16.3 because I noticed some "freezing" with the desktop, for example the mouse freezing or some applications freezing.
I also noticed that my laptop's fan speed was higher with this version of Zorin 17 and 17.1 compared to Zorin 16.3.

There is also something very strange: when I am logged in, my laptop will automatically lock up after 5 minutes if it is not being used, which is normal. But the problem is that when I try to re-login, it is as if I am logging on for the first time with a new session: I have to restart all the applications and the OS doesn't keep the previous session that was open. However, the laptop didn't restart...

I am using a mid-2009 Macbook Pro.

I tried with 17 and 17.1 but it is the same problem.
I want to downgrade to Zorin 16.3 because I didn't experience these problems with it.

Do you know how I should proceed to downgrade ?
Thank you,


Sadly, there is no easy downgrade option. The most straight forward approach is a fresh install.

Several users have reported these same issues On Zorin OS 17 Core - Slowness, new session upon wake and freezing.
These are being examined and worked on.

New sessions for me as well.

Want to clarify that this is happening on 17.1. Was not an issue on 17. Hope the Zorin Group identifies the cause and issues a hotfix soon. I like hotcakes, but in this case, I'd rather have a hotfix over hotcakes. :crazy_face:


New sessions issues observed with Zorin 17 and 17.1 for me.

Thank you. I hope we get a fix. If not, I think Zorin 16.3 is also very good and will be maintained for a long time. No issue to keep this version as we should get maintenance updated until April 2025.

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Can the freezing depend on what is being worked on?
E.g. running out of memory? The first couple of times I intuitively tempted all other processes. Then I gave it on 3 harddisk the normal fix under Mint 21.1 a swap harddisk.

Checking the memory usage, I was not confirmed the area is being used. I have 16 GB CPU and my swap section is 16.8 GB.

I read something about having a swap file but did not find out what's the difference and what is recommended

  1. a swap disk or 2. a swap file. In my case, I correlate it to the use of certain software.

Bitwarden, which I read may require a certain version. I reinstalled it and since I have the impression the demand on computing power is less.
Trade Work Station TWS opens many windows and graphical presentations. I guess like Google and GMAIL each window requires between 150 and 300 MB of storage capacity. Counting all windows I am not coming up to 16 GB and forget the extra storage through the swapdisk or file.

As users, we cannot solve the problem but a detailed description may inspire the software engineers to creatively try.
For both of us and all users confronting this issue, I wish you good luck!

It can, but if you have 16gigs of RAM, it is most certainly not a very likely possibility. You can check your RAM with a memtest to see if the RAM itself has any faults or errors, however.

Faults in the RAM aside, 16gigs is plenty and should not cause any sluggishness or freezing of the desktop.

This is reasonably accurate. Some processes, like hibernate, will need swap to be on its own partition. For most others, having it on the same partition as a swap file is fine. If you prefer to err on the side of caution, keeping it on its own partition is fine.
Swap however, is not "free cost RAM". It is helpful for preventing a crash, but is not RAM and cannot behave as RAM with RAM speed.
Again, though, at 16gigs of RAM, you are not in a position to be highly concerned about memory space.

Why does it take so long to fix?
Linux systems are not all alike,
However i just going to good ole Ubuntu and I find them more user friendly
Zorin is nice to see but harder to work with( especially unless you're a techie )
I spent 40 bucks for the pro and its no better!

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Is there a way to increase the 2 GB Swap ? With systems and Mission center I observed the 2 GB are mostly in uses. 4 GB ae available and the swapping takes noticably time. It freezes for 60-100 sec and then recovers.
The SSD Sector Swab does not work. I reserved 16 GB they were never used.
Is there a problem with Zorin not being able to reach and use this additional memory??
There is a memory problem in general. I use Chrome and that seems to be fatal. Chrome's memory management is wasting CPU. the number of windows are more restricted in Zorin as other browsers. e.g. I cannot open n ZORIN more than 6 TABS in Chrome. So inspite of the memory of my PC, because of ZORIN's CPU management I have to do the swapping myself. Loading from H+SSD is fast, but slowed down through something I cannot grasp.

I have already restricted myself and loaded only few components and only those haveing a less demanding memory consumption.
What Do you recommend?

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I decided for myself NO downgrading. I I want to help ZORIN17 to get better. For what do we do an upgrade, if then we go back to older versions?

I recommend running MemTest and testing your RAM.

If you are using SSD, then using Swap is not recommended.
Yes, you can increase swap space ( as in, it is possible to do so), but that will not cure freezing. It is the accessing of swap, when you run out of physical RAM space, that can cause freezes. So once you need to access swap, whether it be 2 gigs or 100 gigs, there will be a hesitation or "freeze".

It sounds more like you have a Memory Leak issue. Your memory is filling quickly and maintaining a full state, overflowing into your swap which also fills.
16 gigs should be more than enough to manage a few browser tabs.

Check which package format you have installed your browsers. If they are installed as Snap or Flatpak, you can try using the APT pacakge, instead. See if they are conflicting with the Gnome-shell.
If you are using APT, you can try testing the Flatpak; I do not recommend the Snap package.
If testing the Flatpak shows better performance, this can indicate that the package itself is the issue. While using Flatpak is a viable option as a workaround, you will also need to install Flatseal and manage its permissions for use with a Browser... So you may consider using a different Chrome-Browser edition in APT or a downloaded .deb package instead.

If using a different package format does nothing to show any difference in RAM usage, then it is very likely a corruption in the shell - in which case a fresh reinstall of your Operating System is the best way to resolve the issue. This is not as bad as it sounds:

Be thorough with backing up your data and files before committing to a reinstall.


Thanks to @Aravisian! You gave me a lot of additional homework to check.
The memory management OF Zorin has a problem. The Software developers better stick their heads together, as Flatpack and Snap seem to not go together. Either one or the other, or non.
APT i have not tried, as I did not read it in the Zorin description. Please mention, where to learn more about it. Before I try in the blue.
I have made my exercises and installed ZORIN on all SSD and HD I had free at one or the other time. That is why I can exclude installation errors. I went to that exercise more than 12 times for ZORIN17+17.1 and another long before for Zorin16 maybe 5 times. Some installations only serve to illuminate the effect on available memory 5 Tabs on Chrome-Google. chrome =-not-Google takes 10 open tabs. some slim browsers e.g.Firefox can take up to 20. I also measure the memory using "System Monitor" or "Mission Center". There are a couple of others. I always prefer those not using flatpack or any other memory wasteful programming. Since my 1. PC (35 y MS, 10 Y Mint, 2 y Zorin) I liked Zorin, more clarity in program modules. But unfortunately not more speed and not more stability! Anyway, there is an emotion for which I still like it. Sorry I should be online for the rest of the day. Sorry, to be continued.