URGENT HELP NEEDED, BusyBox error, computer won’t boot, and no option for usb boot

So to confirm, I should change it to ACHI, then reinstall Zorin? (I have no intention of having windows on this computer)

I would definitely try this.

Ok, will do, thanks

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! The problem has been fixed. Somehow, that setting had been changed without my knowledge. I switched it to AHCI, then the computer booted up into ZorinOS desktop with all of my files and apps already there. Thanks so much for the help.


Who could predict this? What a strange thing to happen. No matter you experienced what looked like HDD failure.
It's a good thing you checked this setting after-all.

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Ok. Thanks so much for your help. One last thing. What did happen? Was is a hard drive failure? Or something software related? (My laptop uses as SSD)

I do not believe so given the current evidence. You can run a S.M.A.R.T. test to be sure of the state of the drive.

But it looks far more likely that the BIOS being changed to RAID from AHCI is what caused the hard drive to become unreadable by the system.

I thought i would add this for anyone who might run into this problem in the future.
I have used this method a few times to fix this error.

At the Busybox prompt enter

(initramfs) fsck /dev/sda1 -y

Replace /dev/sda1 with your partition name if required.
After a couple minutes, it will finish and gives message to reboot.
Next, type reboot and hit ENTER to restart your system.

Everything should be back to normal after reboot.
For a complete explanation

Thanks for that. However, unfortunatley, this problem appears to not be going away

Several times, my computer has simply, in the middle of use, the screen goes black with a couple lines of text that's just, '@^@^@^@^@^@^@^" over and over again, in the past I have simply been able to turn off my computer then turn it back on to resolve the issue, but today, the computer refused to turn off, then after about 5 minutes, when it did turn off, when I tried to turn it back on, I heard the fans, but the screen stayed off. Eventually the screen decided to turn on, and I ran into the busybox error just as I had originally. When I went into the BIOS settings, I was able to fix it same as before. What concerns me is, the SATA disc option thing was set to the option like SATA with Optane, same as before, even though I had last resolved this by changing it to ASHI. I fixed it by setting it to ASHI again, but I'm confused as to why that settings was changed, causing this recurring error, and how I can prevent this from happening again. Thanks,


That is extremely frustrating. Having a setting changed on your computer, much less a BIOS setting, without your consent...

Please check your CMOS battery. If it is low, the battery may be running out of charge and the motherboard resetting to default settings.

Check if the manufacturer has sent out any FIrmware Updates remotely.

In your BIOS Settings, there is a Security Setting in which you can create a password in order to access and change BIOS settings. You might consider setting this up. Be sure to use a password you can easily remember.

I will, thanks.

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