I am using Zorin OS 17.2 core. I have been using Wine through Windows App Support provided by Zorin Team and also using custom wine version through Bottles. I would like to to use custom wine version without hassle of having an app for it like Bottles.
I want to know that can I install custom Wine version like Wine-Ge with help of Windows App Support (as I like the integration of wine with Zorin) without third party app.
Welcome to the forum!
As for installing Wine-GE outside of the usual programs like Lutris/Heroic/Bottles, it's a little bit of a more manual task, but they have some limited instructions on their github here:
GitHub - GloriousEggroll/wine-ge-custom: My custom build of wine, made to use with lutris. Built with lutris's buildbot.
Personally I would recommend using one of the other options if you're going this custom route, because these special versions require a LOT of specifics dependencies and if you miss one it breaks a lot. So keeping them seperate and semi-automated is a real nice feature.
Ok, thanks.
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