Using Terminal to install a Vivaldi .deb package

Vivaldi browser is not available via the Software tool thus, I did a .deb package download from the Vivaldi site. Terminal is still very new to me so what are the appropriate steps to install this .deb package in Terminal?

Thanks all,


You know that with .deb files you can double-click it to install it. :slight_smile:

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I do now. :slight_smile: Slowly but certainly I am getting the hang of this OS. Today I managed to clone my drive to an external SSD and not break anything! Next...I install Vivaldi. :slight_smile:


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It can be handy to install .deb packages from terminal though.
For example, installing multiple .debs in which one relies on the other as a dependency. Installing together in terminal ensures that you install in the correct order simply because it will default to installing them in the correct order without you having to know and list the order.
If you want to install from terminal, open a terminal in the directory that contains the .deb file.
For some File Managers (I use Nemo) you can just navigate to the directory and then right click an open area - choose "Open terminal here". It will open the terminal already in that directory.
Or you can cd (change directory) to the tree you need to be in.
For example, if you are in your home Downloads directory:

cd ~/Downloads

To install the deb

sudo dpkg -i Example.deb

To install all .deb packages in the directory (Let's say you assembled the group and dependencies and are ready to rock):

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Or... you can individually list them out;

sudo dpkg -i example-1.deb example-2.deb example-3.deb example-4.deb example-5.deb

Now, you also know the sudo dpkg -i command, too.

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:slight_smile: thanks! Commands added to my list. Slowly I am getting gist of all of this. :slight_smile:

You can also consider using Gdebi package manager. I tend to use this as it checks for dependencies before installing and will report back any missing ones which may mean it is not always possible to install.
[Page 103-104 of Unofficial manual for Zorin 15 Murena]


And for a little extra bonus, when you want to perform some operation on files that have some part of the filename in common you can do:

sudo dpkg -i {example1,example2,example3}.deb

In case you only want to install certain packages instead of using the wildcard *.

You can of course use this techinque with other commands as well. For example I've used this quite a bit when installing dependencies for things like WordPress which typically are packages prefixed with php e.g.:

sudo apt install php7.4-{fpm,gd,json}

Instead of:

sudo apt install php7.4-fpm php7.4-gd php7.4-json

Oh thank you. Previously I had seen this manual mentioned in a post and failed to save the link or download it. Promptly forgot about it as well. Manual is now download. :+1:

Thanks! More knowledge for when I can use it. These suggestions like yours are very helpful for me. I read them, bookmark them and return to them. I appreciate your help.


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