Virtualbox install, passwd complexity no thanks

This is installed into virtualbox on MacOS i9. sudo passwd is not allowing me to skip password complexity. I am not interested in a secure password at this time.

How do I set the three character password of my preference? I will have an admin user for the standard user to invoke on those occasions as necessary.

I prefer a four digit PIN so, ran into this issue, myself.

The PAM authorization checks for passwords is located in /etc/pam.d/common-password
You can open the file using File Manager elevated to root or by using sudo gedit...

But open the file, then move to this line:
password [success=2 default=ignore] obscure use_authtok try_first_pass yescrypt
Change the word obscure to minlen=1
Save the file.
Then try changing your password as previously attempted.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Remove Passord Requirement for Login / Wake Up