Just as the title says. It's difficult to replicate because it happens randomly as I am working on my computer. I noticed it also happens to other users, so I wanted to make a report. I hope the devs can fix it in the next release. Also, the bug just goes away on its own as well. No idea what happens. If I remember correctly it was present back when I was using Zorin 16 as well (on a different device).
Recently I replaced Windows 10 with Zorin on my desktop PC that has better hardware than my old laptop, and it made me appreciate the OS even more. It's snappier and uses less RAM than Windows, and I am so happy to have greater control over everything. Big thank you to the Zorin team <3
Since the Lite version was discontinued, what are the Zorin devs going to focus on moving forward? Does anybody know what they are working on right now? I'm very interested
That is a good Question. I think, there are focusing on the Core and Pro Version and the Development of it. Interesting could be the Situation with Ubuntu and Snap and how the Zorin Crew will react to that.
What exactly is happening with Ubuntu and snaps? I'm glad Zorin includes them, along with flatpaks out of the box because it gives us more programs and options to choose from.
And exactly that I like too. Snap on Zorin offers a Posssibility to install a Program beneath Flatpak and .deb. That Status is it what matters for me. The Thing with Ubuntu directly is that they are forcing Snap. It is not directly surprising because Snap comes from them. But they integrate it more and more in the System. On Ubuntu directly You don't have for Example Firefox as .deb. They only offer it as a Snap. If I'm not wrong it is the same with Thunderbird and a Firmware Upgrader.
And the Software Center that they have offers some .deb's, yes. But it is the Snap Store. So, it prefers Snap's. And the ultimate Thing is the System itself. There are a Version called Ubuntu Core. What is that? Ubuntu as a Snap. So, there is a Way, who goes from .deb to Snap. That will not be a fast Way. So, You don't need to expect it in the next Time. That is in my Opinion more something for the middle Future. The Versions 26.04 LTS and 28.04 LTS could be interesting with this Topic I guess.
And that whole Topic is the Reason why Linux Mint have beneath her Ubuntu-based Distro LMDE with Debian Base. When the Work and Stuff to do with the Ubuntu Base will come to a Point where the Adjustments are too much, they can switch over to LMDE as Main System.
Again: this will not be tomorrow, next Month or next Year. But this is a Topic for the Future. And that is the Reason why I'm interested what the Zorin Crew will do.
I agree! I need a lot of extensions, and Zorin provides many by default. I like Gnome a lot, but I do wish they didn't make theming more difficult, as I use custom themes.