VLC (latest)

Hi all,

2 machines of mine are running pop! os. I check the vlc build number and noticed it used a older version released a year ago (3.0.16). If i want the latest build it is offered as flatpak which i refuse to use. I found a PPA that offers the latest version and used that one on the second machine to test which worked great. Now i run on the third machine Zorin OS 17.2 and checked what version/build number zorin uses and to my suprise it is using the latest build 3.0.21. Where can i download the .deb package from zorin ? is it offered as .deb ?


Check out this file.

PS: read the following article

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Thanks, i am aware of that one. But vlc also relies on dependencies which are not included in that .deb package. Is there a way to know which one or is it better to use a ppa instead ?

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I just test this PPA, and it's OK, you can install the latest version , Ubuntu's repository has v3.0.16

I tested it yesterday, i really was hoping zoring prehaps had a complete .deb package. Guess not :grimacing:

You can find the .deb here:

That version is higher than the one on Ubuntu 22.04 so... I have not tested it....

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Thanks and i am also aware of that one, but does it have all the new dependencies that vlc requires ? that is the main question.

Look at the packages listed here for sample, it refers to other packages

I do not know...
Let's find out.

Good thing you asked.
I went to download it to test installing and noticed it is only the vlc-data package.
It is also 3.0.16.
You want

Yes, I am slow.

That said... Zorin OS Apt Search shows 3.0.16, not .21.

So that must be the flatpak that you saw.
I checked the Noble repo- it lists 3.0.20

At this point I have to ask...
If 3.0.16 is good enough on the stable and 3.0.20 is good enough for the Latest most recent Ubuntu LTS release...
What is in the .21 that makes it so desirable to you?
Because if you say it is the .21 instead of the measly .20, You can find it yourself.

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3.0.16 is running slow when playing .mov files on my acer unit, when i used yesterday the ppa and upgraded to 3.0.21 the movies where running great. Or the settings got changed or the dependencies where the issue, no clue but that's why i wanted to save the "whole" package for if things goes wrong. I will check the zorin 17 notebook to see if it is a flatpak install or deb.

Edit: Flatpak, i should have checked that first before asking :sweat_smile:

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I moved away from VLC for many good reasons long ago.
You know your options, so I will not list them.

The most I can say is, VLC seems to not wrap a large contained base .deb package in any repo I look in. They all look to be only the stack of individual components.

This makes your question about dependencies very valid - even where it depends on its own components.
What about that PPA you found?

Lastly, via pkgs.org:
so... here we see what I mentioned above.
That is 3.0.20...
And you would have to tediously download each package under AMD64. Yep. each one, then do a sudo dpkg -i *.deb on them all at once.

VLC man... shrug.

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Which one do you prefer ?

I use xplayer based on my preferences. It is a fork of Totem, but I never had any issues with it ever.

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Thanks for the aswers and help. Will look into that one as well :ok_hand:t2:

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I use Clapper. It's really nice and user friendly.


Never heard of it, just use google and i already like the interface. Thanks!

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For clarity since it seems that Clapper is also an Android social media and video calling app:


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