Webside with books

Cool webside with books


It's not like I hate Linux, But considering reading books on it is really awkward for me. For me it's my freedom, even I hated reading books in college about the things I already know about computers from a random guy writing it wrong and with some another guy assessing me for it.

It's like a phobia to me about reading books on the things I know will make my concepts wrong. Even if he wrote something right makes it wrong from another angle and then you can't change it cause it's someone else's book misleading everyone. That's why I only prefer romantic, action and sci-fi books🤔

Yes i am agree with you but people writing books for money. The same with another things. Some books are smart and some funny like Linux for a dummies.
Besides this side have a books for free.

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I put word linux and must sayed they are some good books on this side.
I remember when i have a course CompTia A+ the books explaining very nice i found one with linux.

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