What are the list of zorin os education apps

I would like to know the list of apps in zorin os education. i am on zorin os 16.1 core right now, i think it would be handy to install those apps. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Are you seeking applications to learn about Zorin OS or educational applications for students ?

Please see this post by @swarfendor437 here:

I am currently downloading 16.1 to run in a VM to see if there are any changes.
I am aware that from Classroom control, Education has always come with Veyon, an application for the teacher to control the whole class. The new one also includes Whiteboard support and something else. It gets better every time. :sunglasses:

@Dharshani If you want to install Educational apps yourself, install Synaptic Package Manager from the 'Store' or from the terminal:

sudo apt-get install synaptic

Then launch Synaptic and in the tiny search box near the top, enter 'Education' and see what comes back.

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16.1 - I will only list educational items, not Text Editors etc.


Minder: Create, Develop and visualise your ideas:

Blinken (Simon Says type game - repeat the sequence of the four colours)
GCompris - Great education suite for chlldren aged 2 to 11.
GeoGebra - Create interactive mathematical constructions and applets. (https://www.geogebra.org/)
Kanagram - KDE application - anagram.
KBruch - KDE appllcation - practice fraction exercises.
Kolibri - offline teaching and can be used by schools to share resources. (Kolibri : A Free, Open Source Education for All | Learning Equality)
K Touch - KDE Touchtyping tutor
K Turtle - KDE version of the old Windows Logo education app - program a route for the turtle to get from A to B.
KWordQuiz - KDE flash card and vocabulary training.
Minuet - Music Creation software (https://minuet.kde.org/)
OpenBoard - Interactive Whiteboard software for Schools and Universities.
Step - Simulate Physics Activities. KDE application: (Step - KDE Applications)
Tux Math - fire the laser at the falling sums by entering the correct key combination.
Tux Typing - Typewriting Tutor.

Games: (Educational games)
gbrainy - logic, verbal, calculation and memory tester.
KAtomic - maze game where you have to put atomic elements together in the correct order.
Laby - learn how to program with Ants and spider's webs.
Pentobi - computer version of blokus - get all the different shapes to fit in an oblong.
Potato guy - a compuerised version of Mr Potato - remember them? You got a potato and stuck the eyes, feet and hands, nose into the Potato! (Toy Story anyone?! LOL!)
Quadrapassel - falling blocks game.
Sudoku - Maths game.

LibreCAD - Free Computer Aided Design program.

Remmina - for remote login to school servers.

Foliate - simple eBook viewer. (Comment: Surprised Calibre is not included, but then again might be too complex for younger end).

Builder - Build Software for Gnome - (if the Devs approve it that is! LOL!)
Fritzing - Create circuites and PCB's (Printed Circuit Boards).

GNU Octave - 5.2 is present but the latest is 6.x! (GNU Octave)
KAlgebra - Expression Solver and Plotter (KAlgebra - KDE UserBase Wiki)
Kalzium - Brilliant KDE Periodic Table application.
KDE Marble - Not so great equivalent of Google Earth - The Open Street Map element has the wrong post code (=zip code in US) for where I live!
Stellarium - Astronomy application.

Sound and Video
Audacity 2.3.3 - Think this is pre-spyware version.
MuseScore 3 - Great music composition software.
Pitivi - simple video editor.

System Tools
Mozc - Japanese input settings - (Setting up Japanese input method on Linux | Elianiva)

Calculator - Basic Mode (default), advanced mode - (Scientific), Financial Mode, Programming Mode (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal), Keyboard Mode - sometimes referred to as 'Paper mode' sic. Linear equations. (Comment - would be even better if it included 3rd Party application, Qalculate, especially for low vision users. (https://qalculate.github.io/)

Comment - for Tertiary applications, you might want to take a look at Uber Student in live mode. (https://uberstudent.org/)

Lastly, in view of the fact that a lot of the apps are KDE apps, would make sense to ditch Gnome for Plasma (KDE) for future releases. :wink:


Update 22.03.2022 - Noticed Veyon is no longer included - think this has been replaced wtih Kolibri which makes sense as students can use off-line at home.

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