What did you noticed?

What did you noticed when you did the switch to Linux/Zorin?

My first experience with Linux was back in the summer 1999 where I saw our local electronic store had Corel Linux on I think 6 CDs to around $40. What I noticed first was all these strange names the applications had and It was very unfamiliar for me that came from Windows land. Application words like Gimp, xmms, xsane, KDE etc.


Back at the end of '94, I got one of the very first Dell Dimension XPS-P90 computers (the one with the 90 MHz P54C Pentium CPU with the floating-point error) with a mind-bending 128 MB of RAM (my neighbor had a 66 MHz 486 DX2 with 64 MB), it originally came with Windows 3.1. I actually spoke with Michael Dell when I called Dell Computer to troubleshoot the installation of the tape backup drive I'd bought from Dell (it blew out the floppy controller... Dell sent a rep to my place to replace the motherboard and the tape backup, for free).

I upgraded to Windows 3.11, then tried OS/2, then tried Slackware, then tried Debian.

The first thing I noticed is that the tape backup drive (running off the floppy interface) didn't work except under Win3.11. And finding drivers for any of the other OSs was an exercise in frustration.

Nowadays, it's much smoother... despite an idiotic UEFI on one machine that wouldn't release Windows as the default boot until I'd zero'd the drive, the install of Zorin OS went smoothly on all the machines I've tried it on, with few driver issues... the only driver issue I've got now is a built-in USB-C connector on the left-hand side of the machine that doesn't have power and isn't recognized (won't accept any resource assignment during boot)... still can't figure out how to get that working.


The first thing I noticed was my complete confusion! then came the struggle to understand a completely new language, I would ask a question on here and the reply would open up a new state of confusion, I get by now with most things but learning "Linux" is not easy, maybe for a youngster it's ok, but anyone who is in later life will not find it easy, I would just add anyone reading this who understands my problem, would be better off if they start with "Zorin" as the help on here is first class.


The Terminal. When I saw some Linux-Videos in the Past there was always Terminal-Stuff and I thought ''No, Thank You!'', haha!

But today You can do a lot of Things without the Terminal graphically. That helped me. I'm not a very long Time on Linux - actually noe I have a Dual Boot System with Win10 and Zorin 17. I startet at the End of 2022. I looked Youtube Videos from different Distro's and I had the Luck that a german Linux Channel makes in the Christmas Time a Special with a Distro Overview. And there I saw Zorin and I thought ''Yes, that looks interessting''. And so I tried it.

I tried other Distro's like Mint, Debian, Ubuntu or Fedora but I still came back to Zorin. So, It now looks like Zorin has the best Chances.


My all time favorite is NCMPCPP, absolutely beautiful

Oh my, it has certainly been a while. My first contact with Linux was in 1996 or 1997. Back then, people used to meet in computer user groups (in person, imagine that) to chat and help each other.

I remember trying to install SUSE Linux on a machine with the help of a buddy, but we failed miserably to get the modem going. And not being able to access the WWW made it a no-go in the end. After all, I had to continually work on a homepage like my buddies to impress others with animated GIFs and marquee text. :joy:

It was probably around 2019 that I finally got back into Linux for good to run servers for business and private reasons. Mind you, I still skipped the desktop because I wanted to game as well.

With all the recent developments in hardware and gaming compatibility, Linux kept getting more attractive even for desktop use. And when I first saw Zorin, I was absolutely amazed at how clean and beautiful a Linux desktop could look.

So from Zorin OS 16 on, I used it on my ThinkPad and here we are. I am excited about what the future will hold for Linux in general, as well as Zorin in particular.

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As I said when I first signed on here, Zorin OS is the Windows-killer... M$ should be very worried about the trend of moving away from their increasingly surveillance-oriented, ad-serving, personal-info-monetizing platform.

There is nothing I did under Windows that I cannot do under Zorin OS... and using the same exact (Linux version) applications, to boot.


For me, the first thing I noticed were all the differences. Including the terminal.
I had used cmd prompt on Windows but nowhere near as much as using the terminal on Linux.
The next thing I noticed was the absence of the Registry; which was a joy and a terror at the same time.
I noticed the struggle of the learning curve. And initially, I resisted the use of the terminal.

Then I began to notice the user access and control over the system. The terminal became less a fanged monster and more a very helpful friend.
I began to notice the abundance of software and options. And of desktop environments.
Finally, I noticed I was starting to enjoy using the computer. In all the time I used Windows, I had this attitude where I looked down on computers and any programming or computer work was dull drudgery; a task consigned that you would rather not do. Now, it is what I do most of the time.
It opened up programming to me and made it easy.


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