Right you are Sorro! And I will give another example from the FPS genre. When Cyberpunk came out, I think it was 2020, (yeah I know, those 5 years went by quick!) the game wasn't even playable on any console whatsoever!
But Cyberpunk was rushed out, that they left out a huge chunk, of what was supposed to be on the game map, which didn't show up in game, till an update, a full year later!
Thats another issue with gaming these days, rush out games before their ready. I don't even have any faith that anybody can make a good Star Wars game anymore.
The last good Star Wars game I played, was Star Wars Force Unleashed, thats like 20-years ago! And look what got released last year, Star Wars Outlaws, complete garbage in every possible way.
Also, in regards to performance, consoles have always lagged behind PC's, when it comes to performance hardware. This is because they know full well, if they truly competed with PC's, then their consoles would be selling for 2000 a pop, instead of 500 a pop.
No mom and dad, is gonna pay 2000 dollars to get their kid a gaming console. But they might buy their kid a 2000 dollar computer, as long as their doing good in school and all that.
Consoles are technically a dying breed now, cause none of them know how to make a console that is good, and just keeps being one let down after another.
People are starting to figure out, if you want a machine that can game, that isn't overpaying for garbage, that they should just buy, or learn to build, a gaming PC.
My computer that I bought in 2021, is 4 years old now, and it still mops the ship decks with modern consoles today, and my computer is a notebook too!
When people begin to catch on, that companies that make consoles are fooling them, and don't want to continue to be fooled and taken advantage of, will switch to PC's.
And, with luck, when people realize that Microsoft is taking advantage of them, they will also switch to Linux as well. The last console I owned, was an Xbox360, and I am happy I didn't buy anything newer.