is it safe to deactivate and what is it exactly?
SSH stands for Secure Shell, and it's used to connect to other computers remotely. This is typically used with servers, though you can certainly use it for desktop computers as well.
An SSH key is what you present to the remote server as a "password" if you will, which then the server recognized as valid, granting access, or refusing the connection otherwise. Those keys live in your home folder, and the SSH key agent loads them into memory for your convenience, otherwise you'd have to load them up manually.
If none of this rings a bell, then it's probably safe to disable it
thank you,
everytime I reboot zorin the first time I open my browser (brave) it asks me for a password that's the same app right?
No, that is something different. If I remember correctly, it happens with Chromium-based browsers (such as Brave, Edge, Vivaldi...) when you have your user account set to automatically login on boot.
Do you have a box underneath that says "dont unlock the keying on login" or something like that? I think unchecking that would stop the prompt even if you login automatically. I'm honestly a little fuzzy on how this one works.
no I don't but it doesn't really matter I was just curious.
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