What is the diference between PlayOnLinux and Phoenicis PlayOnLinux?

Hi, I find that I in my Zorin 17.1 pro several options for running windows applications.
I just installed Tableau 2019.1 (last version that was perpetual licensing....) and it installed it with WINE fine.
But I also see that there is Bottles, PlayOnLinux and Phoenicis PlayOnLinux

What is the difference between these and from a relatively newbie in Zorin, coming from Win 11 and Win10, is there something I should know on where and how to use each?

Thank you in advance for your enlightment.

Basically those other programs (Bottles, PlayonLinux, Lutris etc) are front ends to configure typical wine settings and use other runners. They also sometimes have install scripts to make installing certain software easier. If you've installed windows app support through Zorin, you're essentially doing the same thing, but sometimes you need to manually configure some DLLs or other things that might be a bit of a hastle on a complex install.

That's where I would say these other programs have the leg up. Since typically they're in a flatpak form by default, they keep everything seperate and make managing a ton of specific changes for apps easier. But realistically, they all basically do the same thing, just with different coats of paint.


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