When Click an Application Icon On Taskbar, Jump To the Workspace It was First Created instead of Creating a Window in the Current Workspace

I am attaching an screenshot first:

Peek 2022-06-14 12-29

You can see that, I have open nemo and firefox in workspace 1.

Then I went to workspace 2.

Now when I click nemo icon on taskbar, it takes me to workspace 1. This is the desirable behavior.

But from workspace 2, if I click firefox icon on taskbar, it opens a new window in workspace 2. This is not the desirable behavior. When i click on firefox icon on taskbar on workspace 2, i want to jump to workspace 1, as I have first opened firefox in worspace 1.

How can I do that?

This may be a very long standing bug with Mozilla. I looked up bug reports that go back to Firefox...2

This thread suggests a reboot after placing the Firefox window:

I seem to have sorted it.
I went to workspace 2, made it visible on there only, then moved it to workspace 1. Rebooted, and it seems to have worked.

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I am using:

gsettings set org.gnome.shell.extensions.zorin-taskbar isolate-workspaces true

The .desktop file for fsearch looks like

[Desktop Entry]

When I click Fsearch icon on taskbar, it takes me to workspace 1.

Now if I modify the .desktop file to (add an Action to open in new window):

[Desktop Entry]

[Desktop Action new-window]
Name=New Window For FSearch
Exec=fsearch --new-window

It works differently. Now, when I open fesarch in workspace 1 and go to another workspace, in this case, for example: workspace 2, and click Fsearch icon on taskbar, it create new window in workspace 2 and does not take me back to workspace 1.

Please also check isolate workspaces doesn't start new nemo window · Issue #1236 · micheleg/dash-to-dock · GitHub

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