Where is connect?

I bought Zorin pro lite , but can't find connect to android and to iPhone.
How can I habilitate or install it !?

The lite comes without Zorin connect as it's a Gnome thing. Else install KDE connect or use Zorin OS 16 Pro.


the comp is a MacBook Pro 4.1 early 2008 , then a bought Zorin PRO lite

Okay. You need to use KDE connect then.

sudo apt install kdeconnect

tried but SO says where to install command , I am a n00b

I'm not on lite, but there should be a xfce terminal in utilities that you can put the command in. Or you can search the software store for "KDE Connect".

Thanks a lot of Bro :slight_smile:

installed both android KDE connect and KDE connect to comp , but no detection.

rebooted both and applied my LAN

I'm not using connect, so you have to wait for someone who does.
MEanwhile check this tutorial for hints: Zorin Connect the easy method

On your Android app, you must tap the hamburger icon, then Pair new device

Zorin Connect doesn‘t ship with the lite versions.

KDE Connect can be installed seperately and is fully compatible with all features of the Zorin Connect suite

(This is because Zorin Connect is based on KDE Connect, but has been specifically modified to better fit into the Core versions of ZorinOS.)

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