Where to find folder for themes?

I downloaded Windows Vista theme. User manual says that xtract the zip file to the themes directory i.e. /home/USERNAME/.themes.

Ase you can see on the screenshot I don't have that folder even I showed hidden files and folders

Where to find folder for themes where I can copy them?

You need to create it.
Right click an open area in the Home Folder and create a new folder. Name it .themes

Then extract your .zip or .tar.gz into it.
Some themes come as a Master Set which is a master folder containing the individual theme folders. In that case, you must extract the Master folder, then move the theme folders within the master folder into ~/.themes.


You can also place them into home/.local/share/themes.
Then a folder with all the theme files in it. Be sure that under that folder directly must be the index.theme file.

Ok. Then where i could put or create folder themes in Zorin xfce - primary place to working properly?

Same as above.


Needs to have a period in front with no capitalized letters:

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