White Screen of Death - After Intel Graphics Driver Update and BIOS update

Did some updates to the Intel Driver on my 17.2 Pro installed XPS13 Dell. Now getting white screen of Death. Trying to get to recovery menu, I hit escape a bunch of times, and always end up at a GRUB prompt with several copies of the prompt. Can't get the exact number of presses to get the menu vs the prompt. How do I get back to the menu, so I can enable Networking? Also suggestions of actions to recover?

At the grub prompt, type


and then relay what you see, here.

After I type exit it goes on to boot and ends up at the White Screen. How do I use Esc to get to the Recovery Menu without ending up at the prompt? I can see the menu for a split second, but because I have obviously press Esc too many times, it doesn't stop there. No way to get the perfect hit.

Why would the same key press that gets you to the menu also exit you to the GRUB prompt. That just seems dumb and not very thought out.

Just a quick FYI, the typical key to hold down, to get into the GRUB menu, is actually the SHIFT key :keyboard:

The Left Shift Key is for use when booting MBR (Legacy) Boot.

For EFI boot, use TAB key or on some machines, ESC key.

@LokiWolf, does TAB work?

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@StarTreker I am using Secure(UEFI), not legacy.

@Aravisian Nope, Tab does nothing. Esc "works", but again, why does Esc also get you to the prompt. Terrible design. I am a sysadmin, and have been dealing with various OS's for over 20+ years. Really like Zorin, and have been using it on a spare laptop. This issue has me frustrated. Think I could get it resolved if I could get to the menu and do networking.

It looks to me not like a design issue, but rather that you are being bumped to the Grub Prompt, not reaching the Grub menu.
There is a difference.

The grub menu can be reached when Grub has fully initialized, enabling access to the system.

The grub prompt is reached when full init cannot be reached. This suggests that there is a different fault or failure with your system.

This becomes a bit of the X - Y problem. Rather than seek the solution for an assumed problem, ask instead about the immediate problem you are having.

What you need to do is run Grub repair.

That makes WAY more sense, and honestly hadn't thought of that.

Most of the linux machines I admin are CL only, no GUI. Zorin was the first I had played with in several years.

I will give the Boot Repair a try later today.

Any thoughts or insight in to what the Intel Graphics Driver could have done to cause this? Followed the instructions per the support site for the correct LTS.

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I would think packet loss leading to file corruption was the most likely cause of your current predicament.
It is likely not the files themselves, but a corruption that happened to the files.

Interesting theory.

Packet loss on the network I did this install on, is VERY unlikely. I will give the repair a go, and see how things are from there.

Again, thanks for the assist and tips.