I recently installed Zorin. I have tried some fixes to make my network perform better. They made it slightly better. But still the wifi randomly drops going to 1.3kbps.
Hi and welcome to the forum. Please go to Menu | Utilities | Terminal and enter:
sudo lshw -C network
and post back the results please. Note that when you enter a sudo command tou will be asked for tour login password in order to elevate you to 'root' (administrator).
Thanks for responding. This could be a power saving issue and/or an IPv6 issue.
Letcs deal with IPv6 issue.
Go to Menu | Settings | Network and open network settings of wireless. You will see various Tabs, one will be labeled IPv6. This is set to 'automatic' by default. Change this to 'ignore' and see if there is any improvement.
Sorry, my bad. Wifi at top of that screenshot.
No problem. I tried that waited a couple minutes and no improvement.
Ok. Let's try turning the power saving function off. Follow the answer with 188 votes in this stackexchange thread:
Just to add, when using nano editor, to save changes, press Ctrl+ O to write the changes to the .conf file (You will be asked if you want to "Save to (name of .conf file)", Press Enter, then Ctrl+ X to exit nano. Back in the terminal enter the command given in that answer to restart the network. If only GNU/Linux had a GUI like Windows for this! I remember having to tell IT Technicians about this when a work colleague had brought in their Surface Pro that kept losing wifi connection!
Thanks for the response. I went through and followed every step and double checked everything. No difference has been made sadly.
It looks like an ongoing issue as it is down to Intel to provide firmware and software for that item:
drivers - intel corporation: Dual Band Wireless-AC3168NGW [stone peak] wifi not working on ubuntu - Ask Ubuntu
You might be better of getting an old Netgear WG111v.3 off eBay, or alternatively buy a Linux wifi dongle:
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